11.10.2010 | By: Morgan

O Bother.

These words remind me of one of my favorite characters: Winnie the Pooh! I wish this blog could be as cute. But rather, I think it's quite ugly.

"Why should it be so difficult to decide which is wiser; to open the church [or my home] for the homeless to rest or to install an electronic alarm system to preserve its beauty?"


"I thank God for Mrs. Smith and the conflict she brings me. In her more clearly than in Sunday School lessons or sermons, I encounter the Christ of scripture saying, "Inasmuch as you have don it unto the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me." - Robert D. Lupton

I ALLOW myself to be easily irritable. I GIVE IN to road rage. Girls in class with stupid questions or answers bother me to the point where I think to myself "wow, seriously?" or exaggerate the wideness of my eyes. I hate when people breath on me. I find girls with a lot of confidence and a sense of humor obnoxious if I don't find them funny or cute. I find a person in every class to compete against because composition fuels my "A" mentality. It takes a lot for me to be respectful of other view points and not argue in a rude way. And I don't like to wait or be put out. - And all this, just today.

But when I read the words of Christ, or others who lay their lives down I want so badly to be that person. I want to open my home to strangers. I want to be even-tempered and soft spoken. I want to count all my bad points as gain. But a few minutes of being outside my home and I slip right back into my old behaviors.

I think the difference is in keeping the right mindset throughout the day. Not by might, will power, or strength, but by being in constant communion with God. I think that would change it all. Instead of giving into impulses, I would lean more heavily into the Cross until not only would I behavior differently, but I would think differently. I would think like one who has been changed by Grace. And I think it's a heart issue. My heart is not in the right place. O Jesus replace my heart of stone and give me a heart of flesh! Beating with Your rhythm, pumping Your love through my veins! Help me to stay in constant communion with You that I never leave Your garden and we walk hand in hand all my days.

Morgan }|{ "Look at Jesus only."


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