11.10.2010 | By: Morgan

Foxes Have Holes

"The Christ, the despised one, the one from whom we hid our faces, spoke softly, deeply in my spirit. It was the voice of one who Himself claimed to have no place to lay his head. I began to weep. I remembered my clenched fist and my compassionless expulsion of this stranger from my life. I cried in sorrow for a broken man whom I had sent off into the cold - unshowered, unfed. And I sorrowed for the one whose heart is not yet sufficiently broken, whose heart hardens too quickly against the call of the Lord among the least of these. 'I am sorry, Lord, for turning you out into the cold. Thank you for using my car.'" - Robert D. Lupton

This is my favorite story so far. After walking out to his car, Robert is startled when he opens to door and finds a man sleeping in it. His fist up in defense, he forces the man out. However, on the way to his meeting, as the anger is melting away, he soaks in the reality of the situation.

I can't stress how much this means to me. In our worst moments we see who we really are. I mean, that would be craZy scary, I'm sure! But that wouldn't be Christ's reaction, I'm sure of that too. I need a continually moving of the Holy Spirit in me if I want to have Christ's reactions at a moments notice. It separates those who "act out" the Fruits of the Spirit and those who "LIVE" them. Am I a liver (eww! That grossed me out for a second) or a doer? Do I act out a script like I'm in a Christian play because I'm a smart girl who knows the right words to say, the best verses to pull up, and the prominent time to lend my hand to help someone. Or am I walking "In His Steps" because I can't help it anymore. Because when I wake up it's His voice in my ear. While I'm falling asleep it's His face that I dream of. I'm not going through my day talking to myself, but in my mind there is a constant dialog with the the One who made the universe. I choose to cling to Him in my struggles, in the moments when I can't, I don't want to, I won't give in because I'd rather do it my way. It'll be ok just this once. Or will every time I obey make it easier. Easier to walk in His ways. To talk with His words. Effortless to think the way He thinks.

I don't want to ACT like Jesus. I want to live like Him.

Morgan }|{ "Look at Jesus only."


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