7.11.2011 | By: Morgan

SPC Crossfit - first day

Hey so today was our first go at Crossfit and we loved it!

Not only did the workout kick our butts i.e. we felt like were were getting some where. But the community/people were WONDERFUL.

They have a family atmosphere going on and it was really nice to see/welcoming.

I've been stoked about this for a while and then yesterday we decided to plan for it today. Couldn't wait, couldn't wait, couldn't wait . . . . then we pulled up and I wanted to cry. The place was bigger than I expected and o my gosh everyone looked so fit - I didn't belong here.

But we went it, got introduced. the guy at the front was really nice. Then the main trainer was giving us the low down and when I said we were Paleo he said he liked us already - totally set me at ease.

Then the 400 meter run. Really happy about this because it was easy and I wasn't last. Course, that's not very far at all, but it was the small confidence booster I needed. :)

Then we did some line based excersies. Everything was really varied and exciting. I was keeping up pretty well,  . . . ok well on everything but the duck walk after the pushup leepers to my feet. That was NOT going to happen. haha

Then some split barzillian squats with a bar. Those were fine but I was going to slow. And once we added weights it was tough!

After that we went to the WOD and it was very individual. 3 sets of 50 jump ropes, 10 thrusters, and 10 burpees. Whooooooo! I was good on the first set but by 2 and 1/2 I was feeling it. Then by the 3rd round my hands were full on shaking.

What I liked about it was the encouragement. The challenge. The know-how the trainer when I wasn't positioned right. The pressure to push through and go faster which I don't do very well at when I'm on my own. So I think this is really good for me.

Plus Nate loved it too. So we're on the same page and very excited :) I'm now going to make a list and decide what things I hope to accomplish in the up coming years. That'll be on aReidlylifestyle



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