2.27.2011 | By: Morgan

Our Marriage Story and Never-Ending Honeymoon

"I la-la-love spending time with Nate!! Even just a day of church, Joanne's, the library, a nap, and sci-fi shows is easily one of my favorites ever. I realized this morning that our honeymoon never ended - and there's no end in sight ♥"

This was my facebook status today and it couldn't be more true. See, the thing is, we've had some pretty ugly times, no doubt, but my heart has stayed in the same place the whole time. Growing-ever bigger.

The book we just finished today "One Marriage Under God" and they talked about having a "Marriage Story" and what that means for each couple. I don't know what that looks like for Nate and I. I know that we do a lot of things: read books together, watch movies, work out, talk, laugh, play, we make each other a priority. We pray together (not as often as I'd like) and we talk about God together. We pray for each other on our rides to work/school and we strive to be completely considerate of the other person. We try to get closer to God and each other every day.

Our goal since about June, in terms of what our marriage purpose is, has been to listen for God's leading and follow Him step by step listening to His movements and acting in faith. We have no clue how God wants to use us, but we're trying to allow Him to prepare us.

Can't wait!


Danfredo Photos + Films said...

Hey, Morgan, this is Danielle from Danfredo Rivera! Sorry if I'm coming across as a stalker, but your email address isn't posted on your Blogger profile. I wanted to let you know that you won the contest! Please email me at danfredorivera{at}gmail.com to claim your prize! :-)

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