10.10.2012 | By: Morgan

The Reid's are Now . . . Archers?!

October 1st, the day the range opened, Nate and I were there. We had both taken the day off because we'd just come back from Colorado - we were leaving the library when I remembered and said something to Nate. I wasn't thrilled about going. Actually, I figured I'd go with him a few times until it got really boring. And then I'd only tag along when I felt like I had seen him in a while and it was a good chance for us to spend time together. Well, after mentioning it, we were on our way.

I watched Nathan shoot a few times and then asked if I could try it. I always hated archery at summer camp - it was my least favorite - I STINK at it. But what did I have to loose? Nate's fingers need a break and as usual, I was curious.

WHAT.A.BLAST. I really didn't want to stop - and might not have if it weren't cold and we were starting to loose day light. Trust me, I wasn't amazing - even at a short 10 yds away, but I enjoyed it! Nate was shocked - almost as much as me - but so pleased. I was starting to think this wouldn't be so bad after all.
After shooting at a buddies house (and mucking out horse stalls for the 1st time) and talking to a guy on the range Sunday after church - we got really interested in compound bows. Nate liked the naturalness of the recurve, but we both really want a deer and with our limited time, we decided to look into it.

So we left the range, went out to lunch, and stopped at Dick's. They measure your draw length, poundage etc. I saw a pink camo compound bow and knew it was what I wanted. If I ended up getting one, she would be it. We were told to come back the next day and talk to Jim. It was perfect because I didn't have my internship due to a government holiday and Nate could use his lunch break.

The man we met with is named Jim Bibler. He has traveled all over the world and shot everything from big bears in Alaska to fast leopards in Africa. They keep a picture album of his kills behind the counter and looking threw it I was a.m.a.z.e.d. I could right an entire blog on our experience with Jim, but I'll try to summarize: This man KNOWS his stuff. He's been hunting for 30 years and working as a bow tech for years. Once completely against hunting, it's now his biggest passion. He worked with Nate and I on our stance, hand/head/whole body placement, with target practice (they have a place to shoot right in the store!?! Who knew?!) teaching us about the bows, and giving us hunting advice. He is incredibly patient, and his passion is contagious. I felt completely free to ask questions and make mistakes. He is one of the best positive reenforcers I've ever met and not only did my poundage go up 9 lbs in one day, but I shot 2 bull's-eyes under his tutelage!! I went from feeling like I could never have any substantial ability in archery to feeling confident and excited about growing and developing my skills.

God is unbelievable.
My God is so faithful. Instead of bow hunting and deer season being something that I dreaded would separate me and Nate, take him away from me, and limit our time together, He has made it something that has brought us together. To Him be the glory! Anyone who knows me will tell you this is true: God is the only way this is possible. Not only did He put the desire and enjoyment of archery in my heart, but allowed us to be mentored by Jim - which gave me confidence. If I don't enjoy something, I won't want to do it. And if I don't feel confident in something, I won't enjoy it. And even some things I do get into, I can't fully enjoy them because I'm too busy thinking about how I'm not the best at it and comparing myself to whom ever I believe is better than me. . . it's such poison.

This is so different. I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I will never be the best at this. I have way too many interests to give Archery the time it would deserve for that. However, I can enjoy being my best, spending time with Nate, growing with him, in Him, glorifying God, and making investments in our future for life together and one-day homestead.

LORD God, I can not thank You enough for what You do for me; who You are to me. Continuously blessing us with grace after grace, showing us Your ever-loving nature and proving yet again to be the most important, most glorious, strand in this Cord of Three. I can't find the words to express how my soul is singing to Him now.

I love You, God. My Jesus, my Best Friend. I thank You for Nate, for Archery and for this day You've given us.

Fill us LORD.



(My husband shootin' sexy.)


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