8.15.2012 | By: Morgan

It's Just Not That Serious

Today I got to visit my Titus 2:4 Woman, Mrs. Simpson. That woman is so good for my soul. We have such common interest, have shared so much, and see things similarly, most of the time - but those are the times she's usually explaining Nate's point of view - which I'm thankful beyond words for. <3

We talk about family, Jesus, our pasts, our future, homesteading, goats, friends, issues, joys, everything. She's helped me through the worst parts of my life and celebrated the best parts.

It didn't click until I was talking with her about something unrelated that my words came back to me later in the day with startling clarity: It's just not that serious (IJNTS).

Lately I've been having a hard time with trying to evaluate if I take Jesus and His words seriously. This is nothing new, I'm constantly doing this. But part of what's been bugging me has been that I want to be a woman with a "quiet and gentle spirit which is of great worth in God's sight" (1 Peter 3:1). -- But how do I get there? I know it's the indwelling Spirit that produces this in me, but how can I make sure I'm at work with Him, not against.

I feel like, for me, quiet (which I'm not) is more like calm; peace in adversity kinda stuff, and gentle (which I'm also not, most of the time) is more like kind/considerate.

I imagine that this is the kind of woman who can roll with the punches, she's strong and dependable, but she doesn't freak out, doesn't fly off the handle, or get easily irritated. She wouldn't get her panties in a ruffle, but could cry along with her son over his pet cat dying. Am I making sense? Basically, she trusts her Savior and all He is for all she needs. Practically. She knows, deeply, that He is in control and her Forever-Ally.

I don't think this is going to spring out of thin air and magically happen for me one day. Jesus calls us to labor and rest at the same time. So I think it's more like Labor: Practically, moment-by-moment, depending on His Life in me. I stink at the moment-by-moment part (been trying to practice His presence for a week now (thanks to brother lawrence) and I'm HORRIBLE at it!), but in the moment, when the Spirit shines light on the situation or my feelings, do I choose His truth and walk accordingly - or choose my own way. The flip-side of that is that even if I chose my own way, when the Spirit brings it up afterward, do I repent . . . or harden my heart?

So that's the labor part, but here's my favorite: Rest. For me this means not beating myself up, not feeling like I'll never get there, but knowing that Jesus has done it all. He completed the work. And He's completing that work IN me moment-by-moment - because even though I stink that this, He doesn't have to think twice about it. Every second of every day He is working for my good. That is such a good feeling! Can I get an "Amen!"?! A shout?!

I'm so hard on myself but basically, walking into the kitchen I felt feelings of "grr" rising up. Grr to me is pretty much John 6, discontentment. It's me saying "I don't like this" and I react in a variety of ways, all of which are supposed to make me feel better. So instead, I thought about my words this morning, IJNTS, and I was able to thank God instead. Able to allow Him to fight my battles, to keep my safe, and work on my behalf. I don't have to work (manipulate, retaliate, freakout, or react), I get to rest. I get to respond. Respond to His peace. His outreached hand saying "Morgan, I'm here. I've got this." O I want to cry just thinking about it! My response? It looks a lot like love. A lot like peace. A lot like that "quiet and gentle spirit." A lot like . . . Him. <3

So in the various issues of my life, I'm going to go with this view point. ONLY because of my Savior.

Join me? Maybe we could hold each other accountable and hold each other up to Him? :)

Enjoying Him, (& not taking everything so seriously,)



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