2.13.2012 | By: Morgan

Outside is so Good for Us

Was dreading walking today, but I thought going outside might be a nice change up. And I'm so glad I did.

Walking out there, even with cars rushing by, was so good for me. The sun, the wind, the cold. It was only 31 degrees, but it was awesome. Me Jesus and Pandora had a grate time.

1) Nate and I want a homestead, with other people who love Jesus where we can all raise our kids, work the land, and enjoy a simpler, slow-paced life. Sometimes the idea of all that coming together seems so far away. But God not only leads, protects, and restores, - He orchestrates. He's got this. He's working everything out for me and Nate - it might not look like what we want it to, but it'll be pleasing to Him and that's all we need to concern ourselves with. #Awake and Alive Skillet

2) #Wish You Well by TFK - I miss her so much. But honestly, I know deep down that not having to deal with the mind games, tricks, and back stabbing has been so good for me. I think I mourn what was and grieve what I hoped and prayed it could be now/in the future, but both people have to want it. Sometimes I wonder if I should write - but I think I've said all I can. Other times I hope she'll contact me, reach out - or at least for me to have some closure but either way, I can't life like that day is coming. It might some day, but I'll let that be a pleasant surprise. For now, I wish her well. Wish I could help, but I can't.

3) As frustrating as it might be to not get the results I'm looking for, I don't want to give up on this lifestyle. This is the one I want. It's worth continuing.

4) Ppl do not belong in 4 walls all the time. #not healthy


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