12.09.2010 | By: Morgan

Physical Fitness Assessment

Ok, well, today I got my 1st physical fitness assessment and it didn't go to bad.

Things I hated:
1. Walking into the gym (feels like every pair of eyes is judging you. Probably ridiculous, but still.).
2. I got a boy, and he saw more of me than any guy except Nathan and my dad. *Nerve wracking* He was definitely my age so that made it worse O_O
3. Seeing my weight on the scale - highest it's ever been.

Things I liked:
1. The smell. I think gyms smell kinda clean and good. Can't help it.
2. Seeing a bunch of people who care about their bodies. I think I should surround myself with more of them.
3. The feeling that I was doing something good for my body. I'm so focused on my grades, my spirituality, social relationships and emotional feelings but I don't pay too much attention to my health.

How it went:
1st, very awkward.
But other than that I think it went well. I was all over the place scoring excellent with my curl-ups and bench pressing 105. My aerobic fitness and blood pressure both feel into the "fit" category and my resting heart rate was "fair."
Now for the bad and ugly: Area's that need a lot of work were Body Fat composition, Back flexibility, and hand-grip strength (? Idk why that's super important, but w/e).

He also recorded my Triceps, Suprallum (above hips), and thigh skinfolds. Which I'm hoping will go down in the future. Overall, I think that's the best reason to get a PFA (it was free too cause I'm a student, only once a year though. After that it's $15). It got down to the nitty gritty and shoved it all back in my face. So it serves as a wake up call and a helper at the same time: viewing progress is what I'm looking forward to most.

So My Plan is . . .
Try my best to stick to the Primal Blueprint by Marksdailyapple.com and do more research and reading on the tips and success stories.
Figure out an exercise plan from Mark and my chiro and take the time to do it.
Try to get my mind and will power to help me out!

1st off, it's Christ-like to be healthy. I don't think Jesus would ever had a beer gut.
2ndly, I want to feel good and not worry about diabetes or whatever. Also, I want to be an active mom.
3rdly, I saw how hard it was for my dad to take care of my mom and I don't ever want to put Nathan in that place.

So we shall see. I'm hopeful. I think it's your friends, your mindset, what you read, and what you buy while at the store that make all the difference. Thankfully, Nate loves this stuff so I don't have to rope him into it or argue with him over buying junk food :)

Morgan }|{ "Look at Jesus only"


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