2.22.2012 | By: Morgan

O Life

I'm emotional, so maybe I should wait to write this but .. . . - here we go!

Sunday Nate and I talked about going to Texas around June 15th instead and rent there instead of here. :D I think that would be awesome. We've been looking at homesteading stuff and trying to get more information - it's so fun.

1. I want to make sure God's leading us - I feel such a peace about it, but I want to make sure He's orchestrating it.
2. Some people don't agree with our decision, but I'm ok with that. It bugs me, but not enough to stop me. If Nate and Jesus are on board, that I'm there too. :D Plus, I feel like my dad would be totally for the idea. Wish he was here ;(
3. There are unknowns: $, time, new place, I'm basically a city girl, and having kids with family so far. Nothing to worry over, but give to Jesus and consider carefully. I believe He will take care of us especially if we're in His will.

I guess that's all for now, but wow, 3 more winters! That's it haha! Plus, that would give us time to live down there and find the best place :)

We'll see.


Here's a list of some stuff we're hoping for:
-Build an earth-sheltered home/barn/root cellar.
-grow our own veggies & fruit
-raise: cows(?), goats/Sheep; chickens, a couple dogs.
-have a pond with fish in it
-bee-keeping: have our own honey
-use solar panels to generate electricity
-for Nate to: hunt, farm, take care of the animals, work part-timeish, etc.
-for me to: Knit, farm, take care of the animals, cook, home-school, etc.


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