11.14.2010 | By: Morgan


I've decided to take up knitting! :D

I've been wanting to do something more domestic. My mom makes soaps, candles, lip balms, laundry detergent, and cleaning supplies. My mother-in-law and most of my husband's family cans salsa, apple sauce, jelly and other foods as well as sews like nobody's business.

It's not that I don't like any of those (except for maybe canning) or wouldn't be interested, but none really strike my fancy. I want to be practical, useful, helpful and a good financial choice while still being fun and creative. I think learning to knit would is the choice for me.

Last night, Nathan went to JoAnn Fabrics with me (he's the best!) and helped me look over the two choices and we talked about me joining a class or learning from one of his family members. I chose knitting over crocheting after comparing the two online and reading from avid bloggers. I like knitting because it seems like you can do more and it's not as bulky. However, in the future, once I have my new skill down, I really would like to take up crochet for winter items like blankets, scarfs, and hats.

I'm excited!


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